Ordering Options: 1. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed online. 2. Course materials mailed to you. Exam is completed on paper.
$65.00 Cost includes all materials needed. If applicable, shipping is one flat rate of $10.00 (no matter how many courses you order). Materials are shipped via USPS Priority Mail.
The 6 CE hour Polarity Therapy home study course explains polarity energy balancing and how energy can be manipulated throughout the body. Polarity therapy is a type of energy medicine which uses physical and non-physical techniques to influence the body’s natural energy flow. This course presents general information on polarity therapy as well as types of touch used in polarity therapy. It outlines basic polarity techniques and specific moves for addressing problem areas in the body. This course is a great resource for all massage and bodywork therapists.
This Course Will Present:
Definition of polarity therapy and life-force (energy)
Benefits and contraindications of polarity therapy
Basic polarity hand positions
Ways to polarize (balance) energy flow in the body
You Will Receive: Your Healing Hands, The Polarity Experience textbook by Richard Gordon, guide with instructions, exam of 50 questions, course evaluation, certificate of achievement upon completion, and unlimited phone support for any of your questions.
The Center for Massage Therapy Continuing Education, LLC is an Approved Provider through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB); Approved Provider number 409296-00.
Our continuing education courses are also accepted by the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP), and most state boards.
For more information on individual state requirements and approvals, please visit our Approvals page and click on your state.
This was better than expected. Great topic that I had not heard of. - Michelle S.
Richard Gordon's text for Healing Hands was informative and illustrated with specific instructions to put into immediate practical use. The test questions followed a synchronized layout of information wonderfully. - Julie Marttila
I liked the simplicity of the book. I have studied Polarity Therapy and the author made what could have been a complex instruction easy to understand. Bravo! - Teresa D'Angelo
I like the self pace and the book. - Cynthia McCall, LMT
I was not familiar with polarity until I took this course. It provided very valuable information. - Tina Rogers, LMT
I enjoyed this course. I love to learn about energy work. - Gerald Dixon, MCBTMB
I enjoyed this class! My first polarity education was very informative and I know this will be added into my practice. - Camille Kencitzski
How is polarity energy balancing used to influence energy flow?
A. Once points are located, needles are used to stimulate points on the body where energy flow is blocked or weak
B. Physical and nonphysical touch techniques are used to send energy through the entire system to open up any blocked energy points
C. Stretching techniques are used to send energy through the entire system to open up any blocked energy points
D. Light lymphatic strokes are used to send energy through the entire system to open up any blocked energy points
What is the recommend initial treatment protocol for polarity sessions when treating a chronic condition?
A. One session per week until definite signs of improvement are seen
B. Occasional treatment when flare-ups occur
C. Three to four times per week until definite signs of improvement are seen
D. One session per month until definite signs of improvement are seen
What is the polarity circle?
A. The polarity circle is composed of three people who form a circuit to channel energy to a seventh person in the center
B. The polarity circle is composed of six people who form a circuit to channel energy to one another
C. The polarity circle is composed of six people who form a circuit to channel energy to a seventh person in the center
D. The polarity circle is composed of six people who hold hands and receive a polarity session from a seventh person